Bogor Selatan, Bogor
1,38 Billion - 2,1 Billion IDR
Sayana Bogor Nirwana Residence
High Investment Value
Strategic Location
Green Concept
What are the exciting facilities that can be found in Sayana Bogor Nirwana Residence?
Some attractive facilities in Sayana Bogor Nirwana Residence include Hotel, Kolam Renang, Area Wisata, Keamanan, Kartu Akses, Area Ritel, Bank/ATM Center, Universitas.
What are the public facilities around Sayana Bogor Nirwana Residence?
Some of the public facilities that can be found around Sayana Bogor Nirwana Residence, are ATM Mandiri dan ATM Link, Bandara Internasional Halim Perdanakusuma, Gerbang Tol Bogor 2, Kawasan BNR memiliki banyak fasilitas Restoran, salah satunya Kampoeng Koneng Ciapus, RS Melania, Sekolah Al-Azhar Syifa Budi BNR dan 10 menit dari SMAN 4 Kota Bogor, Mall The Jungle, Bogor Trade Mall, dan 20 menit dari Mall Botani Square, Pertamina.
Where can I see the site plan of Sayana Bogor Nirwana Residence?
You can contact the contact person listed on the page or directly explore it in the "Explore Site Plan" section.
What are the recommendations for similar properties in the Bogor area?
part from Sayana Bogor Nirwana Residence, around this area there are other property recommendations such as Morizora, Graha Laras Sentul.
What should I do if I’m interested in buying a unit in Sayana Bogor Nirwana Residence?
Contact the contact person on this page. Our agent will provide you with all the information you need.
Jl. Bogor Nirwana Raya, Dreded, Pahlawan - Bondongan, Bogor Selatan 16132
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