Great Location for Resident or Working Spaces Very Close to Petitenget and Seminyak Bali
Great Location for Resident or Working Spaces Very Close to Petitenget and Seminyak BaliGreat Location for Resident or Working Spaces Very Close to Petitenget and Seminyak BaliGreat Location for Resident or Working Spaces Very Close to Petitenget and Seminyak Bali

Rp 160 Ribu /m² per tahun

Kerobokan Kelod, Badung

Rp 160 Ribu /m² per tahun

Great Location for Resident or Working Spaces Very Close to Petitenget and Seminyak Bali

Kerobokan Kelod, Badung

Diperbarui 07 Agustus 2024 oleh Dhira Nadhira

Informasi Properti


Luas Tanah

420 m²


Hak Sewa

Tipe Properti


Tipe Iklan


ID Iklan



Great Location for Resident or Working Spaces Very Close to Petitenget and Seminyak Strategic location. Kerobokan area. Located in a residential area, close to various residential complexes, including vacation rentals and service providers. This property is ideal for a residence or an office, as it is within a 7-minute drive from Petitenget and 10 minutes from Seminyak. The land area is 420m2 or 4.2 Frontage width: 22 metres. The plot measures 20 meters and is oriented south. Road access from the West Road access width: 4.5 metres Electricity and water source are available on site Clear document (SHM) Residential zone. 7-minute drive to Petitenget. 10-minute drive to Seminyak area. 15-minute trip to Canggu Area Rental price: Rp. 16,000,000/are/year. Minimum lease term: 25 years or up to 30 years.

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