Rp 4 Juta /m²
Bugbug, Karangasem
Cicilan : 1,1 Miliaran per bulan
Bugbug, Karangasem
Diperbarui 08 Juli 2024 oleh Maravia Damanik
Informasi Properti
Luas Tanah
70000 m²
Tipe Properti
SHM - Sertifikat Hak Milik
ID Iklan
Tipe Iklan
Total Land: 7 Hectare/ 700 Are Tourism Zoning Tittle: SHM Access Private Beach aroud 100 meters Price is Idr 400 million/are nego Total Price Idr 280 Billion Payment methods can be discussed Virgin Beach one of Bali’s best beach. Located between Amlapura and Candidasa in East Bali, Virgin Beach offers stunning views. The water here is very refreshing and clear. The white sand on this beach is due to the volcanic content of Mount Agung. Yes, Virgin Beach is only about 33 km from Mount Agung. If you drive, it will take about an hour and a half to get here. Further information please kindly contact us: Mara Damanik WA+6281338424xxx SPIROBALI REALESTATE
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