For Rent Beachfront Land Near Sampalan Harbor, Nusa Penida
 For Rent Beachfront Land Near Sampalan Harbor, Nusa Penida For Rent Beachfront Land Near Sampalan Harbor, Nusa Penida For Rent Beachfront Land Near Sampalan Harbor, Nusa Penida

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 For Rent Beachfront Land Near Sampalan Harbor, Nusa Penida

Rp 150 Ribu /m² per tahun

Nusa Penida, Klungkung

Rp 150 Ribu /m² per tahun

For Rent Beachfront Land Near Sampalan Harbor, Nusa Penida

Nusa Penida, Klungkung

Diperbarui 13 Januari 2025 oleh Didi Theja

Informasi Properti


Luas Tanah

3000 m²

Land Length

0 m

Land Width

0 m



Tipe Properti


Tipe Iklan


ID Iklan



For Rent Beachfront land near Sampalan Harbor, Nusa Penida Location on Batu Munggul roadside Suitable for building: Beach Club, Villa, Bungalow or Bar & Restaurant. Land area 30 are (3000 m²) Front width: 42 meters Rear width: 55 meters The contour of the land is rather flat and higher than the beach Freehold Certificate East Orientation 25 years lease period Rental price 15 million/acre/year Strategic location: - Beachfront and around Bungalows, Beach Club, Bars & Restaurants - 4.4 km from Sampalan Harbor - 13 km from Toya Pakeh Harbor - 16 km from Diamond Beach - 24 km from Kelingking Beach - 27 km from Broken Beach, Angel Billabong (THE) Didi S. Theja

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