Charming Villa With Expansive Garden Gp0223
Charming Villa With Expansive Garden Gp0223Charming Villa With Expansive Garden Gp0223Charming Villa With Expansive Garden Gp0223

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Charming Villa With Expansive Garden Gp0223

Rp 3,2 Miliar

Gili Air, Lombok Utara

Rp 3,2 Miliar

Cicilan : 13,5 Jutaan per bulan

Charming Villa With Expansive Garden Gp0223

Gili Air, Lombok Utara

Diperbarui 11 September 2024 oleh Gili Properties

Informasi Properti


Luas Tanah

527 m²

Luas Bangunan

90 m²



Daya Listrik


Jumlah Lantai



This property is located on Gili Air, a charming 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom villa just 400 meters from the beach. This beautifully designed, air-conditioned villa features a fully equipped kitchen, spacious living area, and a private entrance, all set on a 527 sqm plot. The lush garden and sparkling pool are directly accessible from a sun-soaked terrace. Built in 2018, this 2-story property spans 90 sqm of modern, comfortable living space, with hot water and ample storage. Located on the peaceful north side of the island, this property is offered at IDR 3,200,000,000, including the PT PMA and HGB certificate—an incredible opportunity to own a slice of paradise in one of Indonesia’s most sought-after destinations.

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