Premium Land in Umalas Kerobokan with Beautiful Environment close to Berawa Beach
Premium Land in Umalas Kerobokan with Beautiful Environment close to Berawa BeachPremium Land in Umalas Kerobokan with Beautiful Environment close to Berawa Beach

Rp 41,5 Miliar

Umalas, Badung

Rp 41,5 Miliar

Cicilan : 176,1 Jutaan per bulan

Premium Land in Umalas Kerobokan with Beautiful Environment close to Berawa Beach

Umalas, Badung

Diperbarui 05 November 2024 oleh Jayanti Eni Arini

Overview Properti

  • Bisa Nego

Informasi Properti


Panjang Tanah

0 m

Lebar Tanah

0 m



Tipe Properti


Tipe Iklan


ID Iklan



Premium land in Umalas tourist destination. The location of the land is very nice, strategic and surrounded by villa buildings. One area with the Finnish Recreation Club Bali. Land with the beautiful environment and good access. The location near to several restaurant and famous Café del Mar Bali, Atlas Beach Fest. Near to Berawa Beach, Batu Belig Beach, Finns Beach Club, Pepito Market. • Access : 3 minutes to Sinamon Bali Umalas 7 minutes to Tamora Gallery 8 minutes to Atlas Beach Fest 9 minutes to Café del Mar Bali and Finns Beach Club 9 minutes to Berawa Beach and Batu Belig Beach 12 minutes to Pepito market 13 minutes to Garba Med Hospital • Specification : Land size 43,75 Are (4.375sqm) Dimension ±50m x ±88m Facing to the west Price : IDR 950 Million/Are (IDR 9.500.000/sqm) Contact me for detail information and inspection

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