Prime Land For Lease In Uluwatu
Prime Land For Lease In UluwatuPrime Land For Lease In UluwatuPrime Land For Lease In UluwatuPrime Land For Lease In Uluwatu

Rp 17,9 Miliar Total

Uluwatu, Badung

Rp 17,9 Miliar Total

Cicilan : 76,2 Jutaan per bulan

Prime Land For Lease In Uluwatu

Uluwatu, Badung

Diperbarui 21 Februari 2025 oleh The Baliners Property

Informasi Properti


Luas Tanah

2697 m²

Panjang Tanah

0 m

Lebar Tanah

0 m


Hak Sewa

Tipe Properti


Tipe Iklan


ID Iklan



This impressive piece of land is located in the sought-after area of Uluwatu, offering a generous size of 2697 m2 (26.97 Are) on a 29-year LEASEHOLD. The rectangular shape of the plot provides ample opportunity for various residential developments. With a yellow zoning designation, this land is suitable for creating a comfortable living space that captures the essence of Bali life. You’ll enjoy the convenience of being just a 10-minute drive from the Nunggalan beach, making it easy to access the stunning coastline. This property presents an excellent opportunity to build your dream residence in a vibrant and growing community. PRICE : IDR 23.000.000 / Are / Year (Reduced from IDR 27.000.000)

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