Rp 1,95 Miliar
Lembang, Bandung
Cicilan : 8,2 Jutaan per bulan
Lembang, Bandung
Diperbarui 04 Maret 2025 oleh Lena Lindvig
Overview Properti
Informasi Properti
Kamar Tidur
Kamar Mandi
Luas Tanah
372 m²
Luas Bangunan
120 m²
Daya Listrik
3300 Watt
Kamar Tidur Pembantu
Kamar Mandi Pembantu
Jumlah Lantai
Kondisi Properti
Listing ini merupakan Verified Listing Rumah123 Tim Rumah123 sudah melakukan pengecekan dokumen, lokasi asli, dan harga sesuai Silahkan laporkan dan dapatkan kompensasi apabila listingan bukti tidak sesuai Pasti Aman, Harga Sesuai, Respon cepat! This small family home/villa is very suitable for the young couple or the senior devout citizen very close to the heart of Lembang yet located in a very beautiful and green secure area. The mosque is located opposite the street. This home offers 2 bedrooms and 1 bath with shower. The kitchen set is modern and spacious with oven. The Garden at back and front is big enough for smaller children to play ball. The street is also a very quiet and safe place for smaller children to play inside secure gate system and culdesac surrounded by elite neighbourhood. Featuring 2 antique style Pavillions at both the back and front garden for relaxation is total idyllic for family and private space. The adjacent maid quarter includes laundry facilities. The g
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