Exclusive Bali Investment Opportunity Limited Time Offer.
Exclusive Bali Investment Opportunity Limited Time Offer.Exclusive Bali Investment Opportunity Limited Time Offer.Exclusive Bali Investment Opportunity Limited Time Offer.

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Exclusive Bali Investment Opportunity Limited Time Offer.

Rp 170 Miliar Total

Sanur, Denpasar

Ruang Usaha
Rp 170 Miliar Total

Cicilan : 720,6 Jutaan per bulan

Exclusive Bali Investment Opportunity Limited Time Offer.

Hotel and land project in Bali

Sanur, Denpasar

Diperbarui 13 Januari 2025 oleh Alifsony P

Overview Properti

  • Bisa Nego

Informasi Properti


Luas Tanah

18000 m²

Luas Bangunan

6000 m²



Daya Listrik


Jumlah Lantai


Kamar Mandi


Kondisi Properti


Kondisi Perabotan


Panjang Tanah

0 m

Lebar Tanah

0 m

Tahun Dibangun


Tipe Properti

Ruang Usaha

Tipe Iklan


ID Iklan



BALI SANUR PROPERTY NEED AN IMMEDIATE SALE, OPEN NEGOTIATIONS TILL MEETS THE DEAL AT YOUR BEST PRICE. The below is the sound investment for you to guarantees your fast growing investment and hassle free and of course in safe transaction , Just like you flip your hand and start your own business and gain monthly income. The Below are the facts available for your further study ; 1.Land ; 3,000m3 Freehold Sanur Villas and studios Investment Figure is USD. 7.000.000,- ( ask For more information ) 2. Land 3.000m2 Lease hold for 40 years ; Sanur Villas and Studios ; Investment Figure USD. 4.000.000,- ( ask for more information ) 3.Land Area 10,000m2 Freehold Nusadua Land project, Investment Figure ; USD. 5.000.000,- ( Ask for more information) Bundle Priced at : USD. 12.000.000,-

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