Open Living Room Unfurnished House In Sanur Kaja
Open Living Room Unfurnished House In Sanur KajaOpen Living Room Unfurnished House In Sanur KajaOpen Living Room Unfurnished House In Sanur Kaja

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Open Living Room Unfurnished House In Sanur Kaja

Rp 60 Juta per tahun

Sanur Kaja, Denpasar


Rp 60 Juta per tahun

Open Living Room Unfurnished House In Sanur Kaja

Sanur Kaja, Denpasar

Diperbarui 31 Oktober 2024 oleh IRENE (LYYC) Irene

Overview Properti

  • Bisa Nego
  • Cash Keras

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Tanah

100 m²

Luas Bangunan

60 m²





Daya Listrik

4400 Watt

Jumlah Lantai


Kondisi Properti



Rumah Sewa Tahunan 2 kamar di Sanur Kaja - Price : Rp. 70.000.000,-/Th Included : Periodic Pool Maintenance Excluded : Communal garbage collection system Internet Wifi Access The installation and choice of wifi operators belong to your decision (Many operators with different levels of internet speed to choose from. - Location : Jl Sedap Malam, Jl Hang Tua , North Side of Sanur - Kamar tidur : 2 - Kamar mandi : 1 - Fasilitas : * Luas Tanah : 100 m2 * Luas bangunan : 60 m2 * Kapasitas listrik : 5.000 watt * Garasi/carport : 1 mobil carport * Lantai : 1 * Air Bersih : Air Sumur Bor * Furnished: Non Furnished * Open Livingroom * Bathroom with Hot water * Bedroom with AC * Double layer toproof for heat insulation and white to reflect solar UV * Anti-noise also in case of heavy rain * Anti-seismic structure * Relaxation ''Plunge Pool'' * Indoor parking * Open Kitchen/American Bar - Directions : 250 meter ke SPBU Pertamina 1 km ke Renon Plaza 1,4 km ke Sanur Beach 1,4 km ke Warung Mak Beng 1,7 km ke Grand Lucky Supermarket 1,8 km ke Bintang Supermarket 1,9 km ke Sanur Harbour 12 km ke Benoa Gate Toll 1,9 km ke Bali International Hospital Tn cnt Vieux seb Put arkh

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