Rumah dengan akses By Pass Sanur
Rumah dengan akses By Pass SanurRumah dengan akses By Pass SanurRumah dengan akses By Pass Sanur

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Rumah dengan akses By Pass Sanur

Rp 3,3 Miliar

Sidakarya, Denpasar

Rp 3,3 Miliar

Cicilan : 13,9 Jutaan per bulan

Rumah dengan akses By Pass Sanur

Sidakarya, Denpasar

Diperbarui 18 Desember 2024 oleh Putu Suartini

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Tanah

145 m²

Luas Bangunan

340 m²



Daya Listrik

5500 Watt

Jumlah Lantai


Kondisi Properti



House with Office-space for sale, in prime location! At the prestigious Sidakarya in Denpasar we have available on the market now a house with office space on 1st floor. Total land size 145sqm, building size 340sqm. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 toilets, kitchen, dinning room, balcony, private parking for 3 cars and more parking available. The office is airconditioned and had 2 toilets with sinks. There is a separate electricity meter for only the office and there is no charge for normal water usage. There is a private directors room with space for directors secretary. The location is only 100 meters away from the by-pass road between Sanur and Kuta. A very wide road access leads towards the building. Yearly rental price IDR 225 million Rupiah/year for the whole house.

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