Dijual Rumah Mewah di Pondok Indah
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Dijual Rumah Mewah di Pondok Indah

Rp 29 Miliar

Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan

Rp 29 Miliar

Cicilan : 122,9 Jutaan per bulan

Dijual Rumah Mewah di Pondok Indah

Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan

Diperbarui 08 Februari 2025 oleh James Paul Tungka

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Tanah

430 m²

Luas Bangunan

800 m²



Daya Listrik


Kondisi Properti



Dijual Rumah Mewah di Pondok Indah ( WW ) Land M2 430M2 House M2 800M2 Description 2nd Floor 4 X Bedroom 3 x Bathroom Fitness/Massage Room Laundry Room 1st Floor Clean Kitchen Room Breakfast Bar area and Cooking Area Dining Room Area Formal Ding Area Toilet and Powder Area Formal Lounge Room Large Office Games Room Private Entrance Area Outdoor Dining Area 12M Swimming Pool under cover 10,000 Litre underground water storage (Raw water/Pool overflow tank) Basement Garage area for 4 cars 3 X Pembantu Rooms Wet Kitchen Area 4th Level Large Gudang/Storage Room 175Kva Gen Set under cover Pump room for water pumps & Yamaha Water Filter under cover Raw water & Clean water storage tanks Solar Hart Hot Water System General 2 Minute walk to Jakarta International School West Gate 4 Minute drive to Pondok Indah Hospital Less than 10 Minute drive to Pondok Indah Mall Electricity 23 Watt from PLN Extensive use of Italian Marble throughout All door and door frames Jati All rooms large and spacious Grohe Tap fittings throughout Toto Automatic toilets in Main Bedroom and Powder Room Main Bedroom Jacuzzi Bath 2nd Bedroom Jacuzzi Bath 17 Units Air Conditioning ( 6 x Ceiling Cassette/11 x Split) PIN code door-locks on front door, Office, Main Bedroom & 2nd Bedroom Furniture Fully furnished Harga Rp 29 Milyard Nego


Fasilitas Rumah

Kolam Renang

Lokasi Properti

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