For sale cliff beach front  with beautiful view  to the ocean
For sale cliff beach front  with beautiful view  to the ocean For sale cliff beach front  with beautiful view  to the ocean For sale cliff beach front  with beautiful view  to the ocean

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For sale cliff beach front  with beautiful view  to the ocean

Rp 1,5 Juta /m²

Seraya, Karangasem

Rp 1,5 Juta /m²

Cicilan : 15,2 Jutaan per bulan

For sale cliff beach front with beautiful view to the ocean

Seraya, Karangasem

Diperbarui 27 Oktober 2024 oleh Magdalena Hasibuan

Overview Properti

  • Bisa Nego

Informasi Properti


Luas Tanah

2400 m²

Tipe Properti



SHM - Sertifikat Hak Milik

ID Iklan


Tipe Iklan



Super View tebing Seraya for sale close to everywhere IDR 150 Milion Only / 100m2 x 24 Kawasan Villa. Listrik akses jalan

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