Rp 2,69 Miliar
Praya Barat, Lombok Tengah
Cicilan : 11,4 Jutaan per bulan
Praya Barat, Lombok Tengah
Diperbarui 06 November 2024 oleh Ita Tiara
Informasi Properti
Kamar Tidur
Kamar Mandi
Luas Tanah
400 m²
Luas Bangunan
180 m²
Daya Listrik
4400 Watt
Kondisi Properti
3 Bedroom Tradisi Villa Our spacious 3 bedroom villa on a double sized plot features two gaze- bos, one for eating and one for relaxation and a larger kitchen/dining/ living area to accommodate a large family or two families. Spacious bath- rooms semi outdoor with a feature garden and stone panel Optional swimming pool and furniture package options provide a villa with everything you will need to relax and unwind Land area 400 m2 Building area 180 m2 Swimming pool and furniture package options provide for a fully equipped couples romantic getaway Resort facilities include restaurant/supermarket, Health Club with gym, spa and salon. childrens play area and pool Management and marketing for rental return with up to 10% per annum return The price applicable until 31 December 2020
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