Rp 2,25 Miliar
Manyar, Surabaya
Cicilan : 9,5 Jutaan per bulan
Manyar, Surabaya
Diperbarui 17 September 2024 oleh Indolion Property
Overview Properti
Informasi Properti
Kamar Tidur
Kamar Mandi
Luas Tanah
185 m²
Luas Bangunan
180 m²
Daya Listrik
900 Watt
Jumlah Lantai
Kondisi Properti
Butuh Renovasi
Jual Rumah di Pusat Kota, dekat area manyar kertoarjo, Kertajaya. Luas Tanah 11.3 x 16.4m (185.32m2) Luas Bangunan 1 lantai full, perlu renov karrna bangunan lama Kamar Tidur 6 Kamar Mandi 2 Surat Ijo (menurut pemilik bisa disertifikatkan) Hadap Selatan Carport 1 mobil Row Jalan 2 mobil jejer paving 900 Watt PDAM 2.25M nego tipis * For Sale a house in the city center, near the Manyar Kertoarjo area, Kertajaya, in Surabaya City Land Area 11.3 x 16.4m (185.32m2) The building area is 1 full floor, needs to be renovated because it is an old building Bedroom 6 Bathroom 2 Green letter (land owned by local government), but according to the owner it can be certified South facing Carport for 1 car The width of Road about 2 cars line with paving electric 900 Watts water : taps price IDR 2.25 Billions slightly negotiable -bb-
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