The Best Luxury Beachfront Villa at kerambitan Tabanan with a luxurious and modern quality building style
The Best Luxury Beachfront Villa at kerambitan Tabanan with a luxurious and modern quality building styleThe Best Luxury Beachfront Villa at kerambitan Tabanan with a luxurious and modern quality building styleThe Best Luxury Beachfront Villa at kerambitan Tabanan with a luxurious and modern quality building style

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The Best Luxury Beachfront Villa at kerambitan Tabanan with a luxurious and modern quality building style

Rp 35 Miliar

Kerambitan, Tabanan


Rp 35 Miliar

Cicilan : 148,3 Jutaan per bulan

The Best Luxury Beachfront Villa at kerambitan Tabanan with a luxurious and modern quality building style

Kerambitan, Tabanan

Diperbarui 31 Maret 2024 oleh Ridho Property Bali

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Tanah

4400 m²

Luas Bangunan

2500 m²



Daya Listrik

53000 Watt



Jumlah Lantai



The Best Luxury Beachfront Villa at kerambitan Tabanan with a luxurious and modern quality building style<br><br>- Land area 4400 sqm<br>- Building area 2500 sqm<br>- Complete IMB<br>- The location is right on the beach with a 200m long coastline<br>- 3-storey building (basement),<br>- 5 Super Luxury Master Bedrooms,<br>- 5 Luxury Bathrooms<br>- 7 toilets.<br>- Living room, Kitchen, Dining Room, Private Pool, Fish pond, Carport, Warehouse.<br>- 55,000 KVa electricity<br>- Boreholes<br><br>Price of IDR 35 billion<br><br>Note:<br>For surveys, please provide the information the day before, preferably directly to the buyer.<br>Thanks<br><br>More Information :<br>RIDHO<br>Wa+Call 081999000xxx<br>Call 082237708xxx<br>Website:<br><br>

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