Stunning Selection Of 5 X 3 Bedroom Designer Townhouses – Kediri Beach – 2042L
Stunning Selection Of 5 X 3 Bedroom Designer Townhouses – Kediri Beach – 2042LStunning Selection Of 5 X 3 Bedroom Designer Townhouses – Kediri Beach – 2042LStunning Selection Of 5 X 3 Bedroom Designer Townhouses – Kediri Beach – 2042L

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Stunning Selection Of 5 X 3 Bedroom Designer Townhouses – Kediri Beach – 2042L

Rp 3,4 Miliar

Pangkutibah, Tabanan

Rp 3,4 Miliar

Cicilan : 14,4 Jutaan per bulan

Stunning Selection Of 5 X 3 Bedroom Designer Townhouses – Kediri Beach – 2042L

Pangkutibah, Tabanan

Diperbarui 10 Desember 2024 oleh KOMANG AYU AGUSTINI

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Tanah

158 m²

Luas Bangunan

150 m²



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Kondisi Properti



Ownership : Leasehold 24 years with 25 year guaranteed option to extend<br /><br />These stunning Townhouses are located within walking distance of the beach and are designed by a Bali based Australian developer with over 20 years experience in high end villa projects in Bali. Now selling off the plan with completion in 12 months, buyers have the benefit to buy now with the option to make adjustments or additions to the design. Each townhouse is designed to embrace the natural light as well as creating upstairs terraces to take in the views of surrounding rice fields and enjoy the ocean breeze. Now is your opportunity to make your dream of living close to the beach a reality! Construction has began on these Townhouses and are offering an early bird discounted rate. Price : USD 239,000

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