Prime Beachside Freehold Land With Enchanting Views Of The Ocean In Balian 2363 c
Prime Beachside Freehold Land With Enchanting Views Of The Ocean In Balian 2363 cPrime Beachside Freehold Land With Enchanting Views Of The Ocean In Balian 2363 c

Rp 11 Miliar Total

Antosari, Tabanan

Rp 11 Miliar Total

Cicilan : 46,7 Jutaan per bulan

Prime Beachside Freehold Land With Enchanting Views Of The Ocean In Balian 2363 c

Antosari, Tabanan

Diperbarui 08 Januari 2025 oleh KOMANG AYU AGUSTINI

Informasi Properti


Luas Tanah

430000 m²

Panjang Tanah

0 m

Lebar Tanah

0 m



Tipe Properti


Tipe Iklan


ID Iklan



Price : USD 737,000 Stunning beachside land with breathtaking ocean views, rice fields, and mountains presents an excellent opportunity for building a spacious villa, gated villa estate, or a tranquil surf/yoga retreat. This rectangular parcel of elevated land is located only 200m from the beach and is available for freehold ownership, making it an outstanding investment prospect. Don’t miss out on owning this remarkable piece of land in a highly sought-after location. . With a land area of 4300 square meters, it is suitable for a large villa or gated villa estate construction . Located on the tranquil West Coast offers a serene, green environment with a laid-back, old Bali charm . Convenient access to nearby areas despite its tranquility, with only one hour from Canggu, provides easy access to the bustling town . Discover a brilliant investment opportunity that possesses the remarkable potential of Balian Beach

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