Land For Sale In Kedungu With Rice Field And River View
Land For Sale In Kedungu With Rice Field And River ViewLand For Sale In Kedungu With Rice Field And River ViewLand For Sale In Kedungu With Rice Field And River ViewLand For Sale In Kedungu With Rice Field And River View

Rp 6,95 Miliar Total

Belalang, Tabanan

Rp 6,95 Miliar Total

Cicilan : 29,4 Jutaan per bulan

Land For Sale In Kedungu With Rice Field And River View

Belalang, Tabanan

Diperbarui 04 Oktober 2024 oleh The Baliners Property

Informasi Properti


Luas Tanah

1070 m²

Panjang Tanah

0 m

Lebar Tanah

0 m



Tipe Properti


Tipe Iklan


ID Iklan



This 1,070 m² (10.7 are) plot of land in Kedungu is an attractive opportunity for those looking to invest in a developing area. Positioned along the main road leading to Kedungu Beach, it offers convenient access, just 8 minutes away from the shoreline. The area is growing with a mix of private and commercial villas, making it a promising location for various types of projects. The land is FREEHOLD (SHM) and comes with asphalt road access. The plot features a flat contour, providing flexibility for development, whether for a restaurant, bar, office, or private residence. The rear view of the property opens up to beautiful rice fields, adding a touch of nature to this convenient and accessible location. PRICE : IDR / Are

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