Kavling The Green Bsd Kpt Cluster Royal Blossom Bsd City
Kavling The Green Bsd Kpt Cluster Royal Blossom Bsd CityKavling The Green Bsd Kpt Cluster Royal Blossom Bsd CityKavling The Green Bsd Kpt Cluster Royal Blossom Bsd City

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Kavling The Green Bsd Kpt Cluster Royal Blossom Bsd City

Rp 2,58 Miliar Total

BSD City, Tangerang

Rp 2,58 Miliar Total

Cicilan : 10,9 Jutaan per bulan

Kavling The Green Bsd Kpt Cluster Royal Blossom Bsd City

BSD City, Tangerang

Diperbarui 10 September 2024 oleh Ranim Sukari

Informasi Properti


Luas Tanah

230 m²

Panjang Tanah

25 m

Lebar Tanah

9 m



Tipe Properti


Tipe Iklan


ID Iklan



082311011xxx - Ranim Housing Kavling The Green BSD KPT Cluster Royal Blossom BSD City Cluster Royal Blossom The Green BSD City Sangat Dekat : • KRL Rawabuntu, Exit Toll BSD - Pondok Indah • Teras Kota, BSD Square, Pasar Modern, The Breeze • RS Eka Hospital, RS THT Proklamasi, RS Medika BSD • Sekolah Ora Et Labora, Cikal Harapan, Sampoerna Academy • Kampus Unika Atmajaya, Prasmul • Menara BNI, Tower BRI, Wisma BCA, Menara BFI Spesifikasi Unit : Type Hook Badan • Luas 230 m2 • 9 x 25 (L x P) • Hadap Tenggara • Tanpa GSB Samping Harga Rp. 3.562.191.xxx After Diskon : • Harga Cash Rp. 2.582.588.xxx • KPT Tanpa DP Rp. 2.959.165.xxx Promo : • Cash Diskon 27,5% • KPT Tanpa DP • Free BPHTB* • Free PH 1x Informasi Hubungi : R A N I M wa.me/+6282311011xxx #bsdcity #kavlingbsd #costarica #bahamas #lavintage #mexicano #derio #thegreen #blossomville #royalblossom #mirage #bellagio #vineyard #theicon #cosmo #simplicity #verdant #eternity #caspia #simplicity #ritzone

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