1BR Nelayan Apartment
1BR Nelayan Apartment1BR Nelayan Apartment1BR Nelayan Apartment

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1BR Nelayan Apartment

Rp 2,06 Miliar per tahun

Canggu, Badung

Rp 2,06 Miliar per tahun

1BR Nelayan Apartment

Canggu, Badung

Diperbarui 14 September 2024 oleh Fullers Properties

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Tanah

50 m²

Luas Bangunan

50 m²



Daya Listrik


Jumlah Lantai


Kondisi Properti



Situated in the prime location of Nelayan, this 1BR Apartment offers a modern and comfortable living space close to the beach. The property features a built size of 50 sqm on a 500 sqm plot, with 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, and an enclosed kitchen. Apartments are available on both the first and second floors, providing flexibility for prospective buyers. Residents can enjoy a semi-furnished apartment and access to a 30 sqm shared pool. Parking is available, and with 9 out of 10 units still available, there is plenty of opportunity to secure a spot. Priced at $129,000 USD with a 25-year leasehold period, these apartments are set to be completed by August 2024, offering an attractive option for those seeking a stylish and convenient beachside lifestyle.


Fasilitas Rumah

Kolam Renang

Fasilitas Perumahan

Akses Parkir

Kolam Renang



Kitchen Set

Lokasi Properti

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Lokasi Terdekat


Love Anchor Canggu

Pasar Desa Canggu

Pepito Supermarket

Sunday Market Canggu

Treasure Market Canggu


Bali Kiddy School

Bali Local Surf School

Canggu Community School

Pineapple Surf Canggu

SDN 1 Canggu

SDN 2 Canggu

SDN 3 Canggu

SMPN 4 Kuta Utara

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