Brand New 4 Bedroom Villa With Rooftop Charm, Strategic Location
Brand New 4 Bedroom Villa With Rooftop Charm, Strategic LocationBrand New 4 Bedroom Villa With Rooftop Charm, Strategic LocationBrand New 4 Bedroom Villa With Rooftop Charm, Strategic Location

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Brand New 4 Bedroom Villa With Rooftop Charm, Strategic Location

Rp 2,85 Miliar

Munggu, Badung

Rp 2,85 Miliar

Cicilan : 12 Jutaan per bulan

Brand New 4 Bedroom Villa With Rooftop Charm, Strategic Location

Munggu, Badung

Diperbarui 25 Februari 2025 oleh Agiel Pangestu

Overview Properti

  • Bisa Nego

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Tanah

150 m²

Luas Bangunan

275 m²



Daya Listrik

3300 Watt

Jumlah Lantai


Kondisi Properti



Road Access: 7 meters HOOK. Location Advantages: Strategic and has high value. Close to popular tourist attractions in Bali - 6km to canggu beach (15min) - 3km to seseh beach (7min) - 5km to nyanyi beach (8min) - 6 km to tanah lot beach (15min) - 3km to cemagi beach (7min) Facilities and Building Specifications: Promotional Price: IDR 2,850,000,000,- (promotion only valid this week). Land Area: 150m2. Building Area: 275m2. Bedrooms: 4. Bathrooms: 4. Carport: 1 car & 3 motorcycles. Water Heater: Yes. Borehole: Depth of 80 meters. Electricity: 3,500 watts (can be increased according to needs). Garden: Yes. Building Structure: Quality guaranteed. Documents: Certificate: SHM (Ownership Certificate) ready. IMB/SLF: Will be processed in the buyer's name. If you are interested or have further questions, feel free to contact the seller for more information or to visit the property in person.


Fasilitas Rumah


Tempat Jemuran


Lokasi Properti

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