Beautiful Cottage In Kuta, In A Tourist Area Near To Kuta Beach
Beautiful Cottage In Kuta, In A Tourist Area Near To Kuta BeachBeautiful Cottage In Kuta, In A Tourist Area Near To Kuta BeachBeautiful Cottage In Kuta, In A Tourist Area Near To Kuta Beach

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Beautiful Cottage In Kuta, In A Tourist Area Near To Kuta Beach

Rp 20 Miliar

Kuta, Badung

Rp 20 Miliar

Cicilan : 84,7 Jutaan per bulan

Beautiful Cottage In Kuta, In A Tourist Area Near To Kuta Beach

Kuta, Badung

Diperbarui 20 Februari 2025 oleh Jayanti Eni Arini

Overview Properti

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Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Tanah

550 m²

Luas Bangunan

500 m²



Daya Listrik

16500 Watt

Jumlah Lantai



Beautiful cottages in Kuta. One area with Grand Inna Kuta. Surrounded by five-star hotels and close to Kuta Beach. Located in a bustling neighborhood in the most visited tourist area. Strategic location close to Seminyak, Petitenget, Sunset Road, Kedonganan. Also close to gas stations, beaches, supermarkets, malls and Ngurah Rai Airport. This cottage is suitable for investment. • Access : 8 minutes to Kuta Beach 9 minutes to Beachwalk Shopping Center 10 minutes to Sunset Road 11 minutes to The Keranjang Bali, Siloam Hospital and gas stations 13 minutes to Mall Bali Galeria 14 minutes to Kuta Art Market 15 minutes to Grand Lucky Supermarket 17 minutes to Ngurah Rai Airport • Specifications: Land size 550 m2 Building size ±500 m2 Consist of 3 storey building, with 13 bedrooms, 14 bathrooms, 1 bedroom and 1 maid bathroom, carport for 3 cars Facilities : electricity 16.000 watt and 5.500 watt , 1 line telephone , 12 units AC , deep well water supply, water heater, fully furnished, swimming pool

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