Villa Valentina
Villa ValentinaVilla ValentinaVilla Valentina

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Villa Valentina

Rp 3,5 Miliar

Umalas, Badung


Rp 3,5 Miliar

Cicilan : 14,8 Jutaan per bulan

Villa Valentina

Umalas, Badung

Diperbarui 10 April 2023 oleh Bali Coconut Living

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Tanah

175 m²

Luas Bangunan

236 m²



Jumlah Lantai


Kondisi Properti



A comfortable 3 bedroom villa nestled in a calm neighbourhood of Umalas is available for sale. The property set on 175 sqm of land allotment with 236 sqm of building. It consists of 3 bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms, working space, laundry room, guest toilet, closed living, equipped kitchen, pool and private parking. Open plan living is the key to this home. This house is all about function, every conceivable convenience has been included and without question, your most treasured family memories will be created here. Be the first to secure this property. What a perfect family home for those of you who are are seeking a property to buy or invest in Umalas. Umalas now get more recognition from the house hunters, because not only located between most popular Bali spots such as; Petitenget/Seminyak and Berawa but, the location itself is still quiet in cooperation to Berawa or Seminyak. Don't miss out this great opportunity to secure this property. Villa Valentina is available on the market for sale.

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