Rp 49 Miliar Total
Lembang, Bandung
Cicilan : 207,7 Jutaan per bulan
Lembang, Bandung
Diperbarui 04 Maret 2025 oleh Lena Lindvig
Informasi Properti
Luas Tanah
26929 m²
Panjang Tanah
385 m
Lebar Tanah
70 m
Tipe Properti
Tipe Iklan
ID Iklan
Listing ini merupakan Verified Listing 99 Group (Rumah123 & 99) Tim 99 Group sudah melakukan pengecekan dokumen, lokasi asli, dan harga sesuai Silahkan laporkan dan dapatkan kompensasi apabila listingan bukti tidak sesuai Pasti Aman, Harga Sesuai, Respon cepat! This extraordinary land is one of a million mountain resort place to get! It is blessed with fantastic views of pine forest Taman Hutan Raya Ir. H. Juanda stretching from Dago all the way to the east of Bandung mountain ridge. The contoured landscape with small hills and flat land is filled with the cleanest crystal spring water for a small lake if desired or many small rivers cruising through your land. With easy access only 200 meter from the main road to Lembang, electricity just needs to get hooked up, and you are ready to go. This splendid location is close to The Lodge and many other tourist spots, agro culture, horticulture and is suitable for anything your heart desires! Whether just a quiet villa, a fishery, ranch, resort park, home away f
Informasi properti yang disajikan sepenuhnya merupakan tanggung jawab pengiklan. Pengguna disarankan untuk melakukan verifikasi dengan pengiklan sebelum mengambil keputusan.