Rp 5 Miliar Total
Cijeruk, Bogor
Cicilan : 21,1 Jutaan per bulan
Cijeruk, Bogor
Diperbarui 25 September 2024 oleh Wienny Novita
Informasi Properti
Luas Tanah
20000 m²
Tipe Properti
SHM - Sertifikat Hak Milik
ID Iklan
Tipe Iklan
Land with spectacular view to paddy's field on the hill of gunung salak<br>13 km from toll exit bogor<br>30 minutes from city of bogor<br>1.5 hour from jakarta<br>The land has own mountain fresh water source<br>Very good investment suitable for a villa complex, school with dormitory or restaurant and hotels or farm.<br>Very nice breeze and pure air<br>Very Close to warso farm and River Valley housing complex<br>Urgently on sale at only Rp 250.000 per m2 makes the total of Rp 5M.<br>Please contact us for serious buyer to see the copy of the cerificates ( 17 certificates in one name)<br><br><br>
Pesantren Ibnu Taimiyah
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