Invest In A Beachfront Land Bonus Villa
Invest In A Beachfront Land Bonus VillaInvest In A Beachfront Land Bonus VillaInvest In A Beachfront Land Bonus Villa

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Invest In A Beachfront Land Bonus Villa

Rp 45 Miliar Total

Lovina, Buleleng

Rp 45 Miliar Total

Cicilan : 190,7 Jutaan per bulan

Invest In A Beachfront Land Bonus Villa

Lovina, Buleleng

Diperbarui 02 Oktober 2024 oleh Wahidah Sanusi

Informasi Properti


Luas Tanah

16835 m²

Panjang Tanah

140 m

Lebar Tanah

120 m





Tipe Properti


Tipe Iklan


ID Iklan



Invest In A Beachfront Land - Bonus Villa PRICE: Freehold IDR (IDR / are) Located on the picturesque coast of Buleleng, this stunning beachfront freehold land is an opportunity not to be missed. With its beautiful natural surroundings and crystal-clear waters, this is the perfect location for anyone looking to invest in a property in Bali. The property features a large and spacious piece of land that offers endless possibilities for development. Whether you're looking to create a luxurious villa complex, a stylish hotel or an expansive resort. Property Details: Land size: 16.835m2 (168,35are) Status: Freehold (SHM), 11 Certificates Beach width: 120 meter Facing: North Electricity and water on site (PDAM) 100 meter from the main road with 6 meter wide access to the land from the main road 2 one floor villa (around 7 Bedrooms) and Pool comes include for FREE as a Bonus Suitable for: - Luxury Villa Complex - Apartment - Investment villas - Hotel - Resort

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