Fir sale land 60 arw view to the sea and mountain 1,5 km to the beach
Fir sale land 60 arw view to the sea and mountain 1,5 km to the beachFir sale land 60 arw view to the sea and mountain 1,5 km to the beachFir sale land 60 arw view to the sea and mountain 1,5 km to the beach

Lihat Semua

Fir sale land 60 arw view to the sea and mountain 1,5 km to the beach

Rp 70 Juta /are

Lovina, Buleleng

Rp 70 Juta /are

Cicilan : 296,7 Ribuan per bulan

Fir sale land 60 arw view to the sea and mountain 1,5 km to the beach

Lovina, Buleleng

Diperbarui 27 Oktober 2024 oleh Magdalena Hasibuan

Overview Properti

  • Bisa Nego

Informasi Properti


Luas Tanah

6000 m²

Panjang Tanah

0 m

Lebar Tanah

0 m





Tipe Properti


Tipe Iklan


ID Iklan



For sale land direc tobthe owner with beautiful view,unblock view to the ocean You can see lovina and temukus city You can get sunset and sunrise view In the night you can see lights so beautiful and romantis good place for making villa Beautiful planning if you put over Flow swimming pool Garasi Garden And listrik Water is ready Super cheap Close to pepito Close to lovina dolvin patung Close to krisna oleh" Aur terjun sumbangan Air panas banjar Close to the most luxury villa Just 1,5 km to the beach

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