Land for  sale 600 jt global with beautiful view and goid acces
Land for  sale 600 jt global with beautiful view and goid accesLand for  sale 600 jt global with beautiful view and goid accesLand for  sale 600 jt global with beautiful view and goid acces

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Land for  sale 600 jt global with beautiful view and goid acces

Rp 60 Juta /are

Panji, Buleleng

Rp 60 Juta /are

Cicilan : 254,3 Ribuan per bulan

Land for sale 600 jt global with beautiful view and goid acces

Panji, Buleleng

Diperbarui 27 Oktober 2024 oleh Magdalena Hasibuan

Overview Properti

  • Bisa Nego

Informasi Properti


Luas Tanah

1000 m²

Panjang Tanah

0 m

Lebar Tanah

0 m





Tipe Properti


Tipe Iklan


ID Iklan



For sale land 10 are or 1000 m2 From total land 50 are But still possible buy 50 are 18 munite from central lovina If you are looking land to build a dream villa, this land is suitable for you. The land is located in a strategic area in panji , near the street and good access road. Only 15minutes' drive by a car to Lovina beach and 18 minutes to the Pepito Market. Total land size of this property is 1000m2. In the land there are several tropical fruit and empty land ready to build trees such as banana, rambutan, and mango.  Water and electricity are available. Price: 65 milion per are or pet 100 2 Beside of the land is area luxury private villa Other Currencies ± : EUR € 38 .000

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