4 Are Land In West Gatsu Area, Denpasar, Suitable For Warehouse
4 Are Land In West Gatsu Area, Denpasar, Suitable For Warehouse4 Are Land In West Gatsu Area, Denpasar, Suitable For Warehouse

Rp 3 Miliar Total

Pemecutan Kaja, Denpasar

Rp 3 Miliar Total

Cicilan : 12,7 Jutaan per bulan

4 Are Land In West Gatsu Area, Denpasar, Suitable For Warehouse

Pemecutan Kaja, Denpasar

Diperbarui 13 Januari 2025 oleh Jayanti Eni Arini

Overview Properti

  • Bisa Nego

Informasi Properti


Luas Tanah

400 m²

Panjang Tanah

0 m

Lebar Tanah

0 m



Tipe Properti


Tipe Iklan


ID Iklan



Affordable land located in Denpasar One area with Mitra10 Gatsu. Surrounded by several villas and culinary places. Located in a residential neighborhood with paved access. The location is close to the main road of Gatsu, Jl. Cargo Permai, Jl. Cokroaminoto. Also close to schools, gas stations, Starbuck, MC'Donalds, hospitals and others. This land is suitable for house or warehouse. • Access: 5 minutes to Mitra10 Gatsu Bali 5 minutes to McDonald's Kebo Iwa 10 minutes to Starbucks Gatsu Mudutaki 10 minutes to Tiara Gatzu 10 minutes to CitraLand Waterpark 15 minutes to Bhakti Rahayu General Hospital 20 minutes to Tiara Monang Maning • Specifications: Land area 4 Are (400 sqm) Land size 14.5m x 27.5m Facing to the South Selling Price: IDR 750 million/are (IDR 7.500.000,-/sqm) Contact me for detailed information and inspection

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