Apartemen Kemang Village 2 Kamar Tidur Furnished Bagus
 Apartemen Kemang Village 2 Kamar Tidur Furnished Bagus Apartemen Kemang Village 2 Kamar Tidur Furnished Bagus Apartemen Kemang Village 2 Kamar Tidur Furnished Bagus

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 Apartemen Kemang Village 2 Kamar Tidur Furnished Bagus

Rp 20 Juta per bulan

Kemang, Jakarta Selatan


Rp 20 Juta per bulan

Apartemen Kemang Village 2 Kamar Tidur Furnished Bagus

Kemang Village

Kemang, Jakarta Selatan

Diperbarui 27 Agustus 2024 oleh Laura

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Bangunan

94 m²



Kondisi Perabotan


Kamar Tidur Pembantu


Kamar Mandi Pembantu


Kondisi Properti




Tipe Properti


Tipe Iklan


ID Iklan



•General Information 1. Apartment Name : Kemang Village 2. Location : Jl. Pangeran Antasari No.36, Bangka, Kec. Mampang Prpt., Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12430 3. View : City View 4. Size : 94 Sqm/m2 5. Bedroom : 2 Bedroom 6. Bathroom : 2 Bathroom 7. Maid Room : 1 Maid Room Area and Service Area 8. Condition : Full Furnished, Including Service Charge / IPL (Iuran Pengelolaan Lingkungan), General Cleaning and Service Before Moving, Free 1 Carport Slot, Balcony, and Green Area Kemang village is one of the best location in Located in Kemang, South Jakarta, Kemang Village Residence is a part of an integrated development area of residences with a hotel, shopping center, schools, and a country club. Kemang Village is an exclusive apartment complex in one of the most luxurious residences with high-quality facilities and amenities provided for the comfort of its residents. The residential area consists of seven towers, each with catering different needs of the market and complete the various needs of Jakarta's upper classes. Developed by the trusted and experienced Lippo Group, Kemang Village Apartment is designed to provide convenience and comfort in your daily lives. The combination of the world-class facilities, strategic location, and the integrated living concept make Kemang Village Residence suitable for Jakarta's savviest residents. •Kemang Village’s facility Swimming pool, basket court, tennis court, jogging track, parking space, direct access to Lippo Mall, gym, security on duty at the gates and receptionist, access card. Access around apartment : - Direct Access to Lippo Mall Kemang - Pelita Harapan School - Mentari Intercultural School - Hotel The Dharmawangsa Jakarta - Brawijaya Hospital - Access to SCBD area •Additional Information - There are other 2-room units and other types of 3 rooms available in kemang village. I am also open to consulting other apartments around it such as all Gandaria Height, Four Season, La Vie, Setiabudi Sky Garden, etc. - Unit price can apply for price negotiation. - Welcome to give a request when you want to move to the unit. - Price does not include water, electricity and internet bills. Contact Number : +6281292536xxx (sekar) WhatsApp 081292536xxx (sekar)


Fasilitas Lingkungan Apartemen

Jogging Track




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