Exclusive Apartment with spacious master bedroom with soundproof window balcony with pool view & sunrise, at Residence 8
Exclusive Apartment with spacious master bedroom with soundproof window balcony with pool view & sunrise, at Residence 8Exclusive Apartment with spacious master bedroom with soundproof window balcony with pool view & sunrise, at Residence 8Exclusive Apartment with spacious master bedroom with soundproof window balcony with pool view & sunrise, at Residence 8

Lihat Semua

Exclusive Apartment with spacious master bedroom with soundproof window balcony with pool view & sunrise, at Residence 8

Rp 550 Juta per tahun

Senopati, Jakarta Selatan

Rp 550 Juta per tahun

Exclusive Apartment with spacious master bedroom with soundproof window balcony with pool view & sunrise, at Residence 8

Senopati, Jakarta Selatan

Diperbarui 18 September 2024 oleh Julius Ade

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Bangunan

255 m²





Tipe Properti


Tipe Iklan


ID Iklan



For Rent Apartment Residence 8 - Senopati Exclusive Apartment with spacious master bedroom with soundproof window balcony with pool view & sunrise, Modern dining room with marble dining table washer dryer, big oven, full electric - Luas Apt 255m2 - Hadap Selatan - 3+1 kamar tidur, 2+1 kamar mandi - Listrik 10.000 + 3000 wat Kode PAP : J03-S5529

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