Block B2 no 32-50, Rumah Primary HIERA Cluster WELTON SIGNATURE TYpe 08  di BSD City
Block B2 no 32-50, Rumah Primary HIERA Cluster WELTON SIGNATURE TYpe 08  di BSD CityBlock B2 no 32-50, Rumah Primary HIERA Cluster WELTON SIGNATURE TYpe 08  di BSD CityBlock B2 no 32-50, Rumah Primary HIERA Cluster WELTON SIGNATURE TYpe 08  di BSD City

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Block B2 no 32-50, Rumah Primary HIERA Cluster WELTON SIGNATURE TYpe 08  di BSD City

Rp 4,24 Miliar

BSD City, Tangerang


Rp 4,24 Miliar

Cicilan : 18 Jutaan per bulan

Block B2 no 32-50, Rumah Primary HIERA Cluster WELTON SIGNATURE TYpe 08 di BSD City


BSD City, Tangerang

Diperbarui 27 November 2024 oleh SAIDA SAIDA

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Tanah

128 m²

Luas Bangunan

166 m²



Daya Listrik



HIERA BSD CITY WELTON SIGNATURE TYPE 08 Block B2 no 32-50 Program 11 Maret - 11 May 2024 Discount Price Hard Cash Disc; 12% KPR Express DP 10%; Disc 11% Cash Installment 6X; Disc 10% KPR Express DP 10% Cicil 12X; Disc 2% LUCKY DRAW Fine Gold 25 Gram Untuk Survei Hubungi Saida (081905054xxx) Ray White BSD CITY Spesifikasi Land Size 128 sqm Building Size 166 sqm Kamar Tidur 4+1 Kamar Mandi 3+1+1 Multi Purpose Room 1 Dapur 2 Carport FLOOR FINISHES Living & Dining Area : Marble Staircase : Marble & Homogeneous Tile Bedroom : Laminated Wood Bathroom : Homogeneous Tile Carport : Homogeneous Tile SANITARY WARES Kohler/equivalent : Services area by American Standard/equivalent Fixed Glass Partition Shower Screen KITCHEN PROVISIONS : Storage Cabinet with solid surface counter top Cooking Stove & Cooker Hood Kitchen Sink & Faucet by KOHLER SPECIAL FEATURES : Vanity Cabinet with Standard Mirror (all Bathrooms except Maid''s Bathroom) SMART HOME SYSTEM : Digital Door Lock at Main Door Smart Lighting Control at Foyer, Living & Dining CCTV Voice Command Universal IR Blaster

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